It’s no secret that if your business is on Facebook, then you most likely using Facebook Business Manager. As well as being a key tool to keep your Facebook assets organised in the one place, it allows you to give an employee, freelancer or agency a central place to access these assets as well.
Facebooking marketing is no small job and as mentioned above, there will come a time when your business requires an additional employee, freelancer or agency to jump in and lend a hand. To do this, you will need to be able to give these colleagues access. We are going to take you through a guide of how to get your team set up and working across your Facebook business account.
To jump right in, in your Business Manager dashboard:
These users will be able to see the level of access they have when they received the email invite notification. To see who has accepted your requests, proceed to your dashboard – please note, you are able to withdraw an invite at any time if the user has not yet responded.
If you decide to cease the access this user has, you will need to remove their permissions individually. To do this simply select Business Settings at the top right of your Business Manager Dashboard.
A menu will appear on the left, select People and click on the name of the user you wish to remove. Click Remove and just like that – their access is revoked!
So, what if you are working with an agency instead of an individual user? Simple! To connect your Ad Agency to your Facebook Business Manager account, follow these steps:C
Once you have completed this step, the Agency will individually manage the permissions for their own colleagues on their Facebook Business Manager account. You will not be able to view these details; however, this is something less you have to do – win!
And that’s it! It truly is that simple to add additional users or an agency to your Facebook Manager Account. Working as a team with all of your Facebook assets consolidated in one account will help your business flow and reach your targets easily. Good luck!