First things first- Imposter syndrome is stated as self-doubt making you feel like a fraud and causing a fear of being “found out”. When you first hear about Imposter Syndrome, it’s easy for thoughts like “hey, that’s me!” or “Maybe I do that?!” to start floating around.
In so many industries, you hear ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’ or ‘fake it until you make it’. And while we know you aren’t faking it or jumping the queue because you know the barista (right? Right – we’ll look away), a lot of people do second guess the skills or capabilities they have every single day and what’s worse? It affects people in such a way that their careers or personal lives suffer.
Let’s go deeper on what this feeling is.
Picture yourself looking at other brands or businesses that you align yourself with, what are your first thoughts? Does it make you start to second guess whether your Instagram post was relevant or if your product is actually useful to your audience? When we read about another business’ success, it is easy to feel comparative and wonder “do we look like the pathetic version of them?”.

Picture yourself looking at other brands or businesses that you align yourself with, what are your first thoughts? Does it make you start to second guess whether your Instagram post was relevant or if your product is actually useful to your audience? When we read about another business’ success, it is easy to feel comparative and wonder “do we look like the pathetic version of them?”.
If you’re telling us we are basically reading your mind and repeating all the questions you ask yourself then bingo! This is a form of anxiety or as we mentioned above, imposter syndrome. The living, breathing lie that you’re not as capable as you say you are or you aren’t nearly as good as someone had described you to be. Your mind starts to toss and turn constantly. You are counting down the moments before someone figures it all out and takes their business elsewhere.
Yeah hello, this is an actual feeling you are having and guess what? You are not alone. Highly successful entrepreneurs, business owners and creatives alike are feeling the same. They too have feelings that they don’t think they are good enough or that they do not have it together as they think they should.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is just a flat out lie – and deep down, you know it!
But how do we avoid this icky feeling of being an imposter? How can we fight all the harmful self-hate? We suggest doing your best ‘bend it like Beckham’ and kicking those woes to the curb quick smart!
While most brands focus on creating a product or brand message that targets a particular customer, it’s often overlooked that what is actually converts a user into a customer is personalisation. When a company’s branding or your own personal branding is authentic, it gives reason for a customer or follow to resonate with you. So, overcoming your imposter syndrome requires you to understand your own personal branding. Let’s deep dive!

Yeah, we hear it all the time – everyone has their own special “thing”- an exclusive skill or aggressive lead against the competition. This is true and it is this mixture of your own instinct, knowledge, and drive that allows you to live in your own dreamland of creativity. When you can identify what difference, you can bring to the table, is when you stop second guessing and start believing you are good enough.
If you have created a brand and still don’t know who you are speaking to then it’s a sure way to walk into imposter syndrome. If you don’t create a character to “talk to” you will find yourself switching and changing, and often just following trends. By doing this you will definitely find yourself sliding into the dark hole of imposter syndrome over and over. The beauty in knowing who your customer is lies in the self-assurance that comes from recognizing what you offer and how it can solve their problem.
You are in control of your brand or business. The narrative that surrounds your business is entirely up to the story you create for it. Documenting and knowing the why of what you do is so imperative. If you are finding your story is changing, it might be time to take a step back and rewrite your brand or business’ story. When you do this, you can take the opportunity to highlight the reasons why your company is successful or why it is capable of growth. Don’t ever neglect that you are the author of your company or brands story – you can rewrite it if you feel like an imposter.
Authenticity is the key to everything in life isn’t it just? Authenticity is everywhere these days and there is good reason. Online so much is masked by the idea of perfection- throw in a few filters and it’s hard to decipher what’s real and what isn’t. possibly one of the unhealthiest aspects for people who suffer imposter syndrome is this blurred line between online and reality. With so much information at your fingertips, it’s hard to work out what your audience is after. So, it’s up to you to decide this. You can do this by just being yourself, letting your brand work with your own personality and everything else will take form naturally. It’s impossible to feel like an imposter if you are just doing what you love, right?
As a brand or business, it can be hard to embrace flaws or mistakes that happen along the way. So often now, we are seeing influencers becoming a little less edited and businesses becoming a little rawer with their content. This is so important to nailing your imposter syndrome on the head – for good! Sparking conversation online about your battles or doubts and then explaining to the world how you overcome these rather than doing it behind closed doors is a huge milestone for businesses. This shows passion and that authenticity we spoke of. It can become what your business or brand is known for and will build that personalisation that convert users into customers – tears and all!
The final tip is put plainly and simply – you are not an imposter, you are the king or queen of this domain.
With the above tips, you can see how leaving flawlessness at the door, determining your drive or focusing on what makes your brand or company sing is when your second-guessing stops. Your confidence in your decisions and work will flourish because you have chosen what it is about and not what you have been influenced by online or offline. We are all guilty of feeling like an imposter, but none of us are. Hard workers who are committed to a business or brand offering skills, expertise and dynamite product – what’s not to embrace? Go on.