Capture Content Pattern
February 27, 2020

Directing & Producing

How do you describe film or content directing?

“I’m not sure if we’ve come to a consensus yet. Everyone seems to approach the task differently. Which should come as no surprise. After all the medium is still young – a little over 100 years is nothing compared with the thousands of years it’s taken for painting, dance, music and theatre to evolve” — Martin Scorseses

The above citation is on point. There are so many ways to captivate an audience. Suspense, drama, comedy, tension however directing is fundamentally the art form of guiding people through a story with seamless continuity and authenticity. The talent need to be believable to conquer any story. Why would we watch a film if we didn’t think the talent were believable. Similarily for content marketing and advertising. If we don’t believe what we are seeing and hearing is credible we turn it off – or lob our telly off a bridge for wasting our time. Which is fair, however if we’re using the Hitchcock technique. Capture the lead up to the television plummeting from the bridge. Milk it and create some suspense. Where will it land? Are there people below? Will the television break? You get it.


Imagine you’re on a dairy farm and you have 48 cows to thrust milk out of. It would suck right? Yankety yanky all day long. Now image that the cows are a content production. You wouldn’t want to be yanking the proverbial production udders all day long to get to the final result. You’d organise people to assist, to speed up processes. Producing is the art of knowing who best to get involved in your production. Do we need a make up artist, a gaffer, a grip or an extra hand on Daisey’s left nipple? I hope this makes sense, otherwise it’s getting pretty perverse. Cunning producing can streamline your production process and save you time and money in the long run. #wedothat


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